Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Part 4 - Individual Learning IV

I believe that in most ways, the needs of Canadian citizens would be benefitted most by the governmental style of a Proportional Representation Democracy. Still being a Democracy, like Canada’s current Parliamentary Government, the voices of the citizens will be included in determining the needs of the overall country. However, the major change in which I would expect a benefit would be the way that representatives are distributed. Currently in Canada, the amount of seats held by the Conservative party incorrectly represents how many votes they have received in recent elections. If Canada were to provide their seats to the parties based on their percentage of votes, then smaller parties would be given more of a fighting chance to allow their ideals to be heard alongside the older, more experienced parties. With this, the potential for coalitions and mixed ideals would become more likely, and it would be more reasonable to expect the parties to at least try and work together to try and reach greater benefit for Canadian citizens.

Plus, then maybe they’d get along and spend less money on attack ads and more on getting things done.

… Nah.

Part 4 - Individual Learning III

Type of  Democratic Government
Princples of Liberalism Rejected
Principles of Liberalism Accepted
Who has the majority of the power?
Extent of the power that can be used?
Current Examples of Government
Individual Rights & Freedoms, Self-Interest, Rule of Law, Suffrage (if voting takes place), Human Rights
The people (everybody has the same amount of say and control).
The people can use as much or as little as they choose, but essentially their power is limitless.
Individual Rights & Freedoms, Self-Interest (to an extent), Suffrage, Rule of Law, Competition, Human Rights, Labour Protection & Unions, Welfare Capitalism, Economic Freedom, Private Property
The Executive Branch in cooperation with the Legislative Branch.
Power is shared evenly between the branches that are voted in.
United Kingdom, Canada
Rule of Law, Self-Interest, Competition, Individual Rights & Freedoms, Economic Freedom, Private Property, Welfare Capitalism, Human Rights, Labour Protection & Unions, Suffrage
The President & the rest of the Executive Branch
The President has control unless 2/3 of the majority votes against him.
United States, France
Proportional Representation
Self-Interest (some portions of the concept)
Individual Rights & Freedoms, Self-Interest (to an extent), Suffrage, Welfare Capitalism, Human Protection & Unions
The Government, provided that they have majority rule, as granted by the people.
Depends on if the government is a minority or majority. Majority gives total power, minority limits.
Venezuela, South Africa, Israel

Democracy is waves in a pond – with one person’s voice making waves, the ripple slowly and gently spreads. With even more people, strong waves are formed, establishing a movement.

Type of Authoritarian Government
Princples of Liberalism Rejected
Principles of Liberalism Accepted
Who has the majority of the power?
Extent of the power that can be used?
Current Examples of Government
Self-Interest, Individual Rights & Freedoms, Human Protection & Unions, Suffrage
Rule of Law, Human Rights (to an extent) Competition, Economic Freedom (sometimes), Competition
The Monarch (king/queen/tsar, etc.)
Complete and total power.
Saudi Arabia
Self-Interest, Rule of Law, Individual Rights & Freedoms, Human Rights, Human Protection & Unions
All, depending on what the Authoritarian Government has to offer.
The minority of ‘elites’ (normally self-appointed) who have control of the country.
Complete and total power.
Russian Federation
One-Party State
Self-Interest, Rule of Law, Individual Rights & Freedoms, Human Rights, Human Protection & Unions
Suffrage (They have the RIGHT to vote for whoever … From the one party.), Others depend on what the government offers.
The leader of the single party.
Complete and total power.
Cuba, North Korea
Military Dictatorship
Self-Interest, Rule of Law, Individual Rights & Freedoms, Human Rights, Human Protection & Unions
All, depending on what the Dictatorship is trying to provide for the citizens and the country overall.
The leader of the military.
Complete and total power.
Myanmar, Egypt

Authoritarianism is staring into the dark – you think you know what’s directly ahead of you, so you blindly move forward … Until you run face-first into the brick wall that the seemingly-cooperative Government has placed in your way.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Part 4 - Individual Learning II

I believe that there is some form of an obligation and responsibility that Canada must uphold in regards to Afghanistan's newly embraced democratic system. Though the Afghan people were the ones to take initiative and agree to the change to democracy, they would have never even considered taking initiative to change their systematic lifestyle if it were not for Canada's consistent ushering.

However, for the assistance in upholding the new democratic views that may be needed in the future, I do believe Canada should more or less supervise from behind the scenes for the time being. If Canada continues to guide Afghanistan and tell them exactly what they should be doing, exactly how and when they should be doing it, they won't be able to try and find some form of balance that will be comfortable for their country and their people, they will simply be following in our precise footsteps. Considering the disputes that Aboriginals have had with their cultural restrictions in Canada in the past, such as the established Residential Schools, the attempt to try and forcefully convert one group of people to blend in with another is something that is both disrespectful and bound to lead to severe repercussions.

If the time comes where political unrest and violence begins to unfold in the country of Afghanistan, then yes, I believe we should be stepping in to try and help prevent injury and casualties. Although, so long as the Afghan people are trying to build a foundation for themselves that will result in a more prosperous future for all of their citizens, then we really don't have the right to try and change things to be more like us.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Individual Resistance 5 (Brandon & Nick)

                Regarding the rejection of Liberalism, the establishment of a Totalitarian regime is not completely necessary, but history has proven that it is the course of action that most, if not all countries and human beings have chosen to take. Considering Germany’s rejection of Liberalism in the time of Adolf Hitler, Germany became more inclined to change to a form of Fascism, which included a totalitarian leader. In Russia’s time of reform to react against the Czarist system and uncontrolled free-market economy, the Bolsheviks (communist group) and their leader, Vladimir Lenin, wanted to destroy the current system and replace it with one containing more totalitarian control.
                In a more contemporary example, even more theocratic nations such as Iran have ignored the system of Liberalism for one more focused on religious motive. Rather than including traits of Liberalism, Iran has continued to rely on their Supreme Leader, currently Ali Khamenei. With the title of ‘Supreme Leader’, Khamenei has established totalitarian traits by having more power than even the President of Iran, which is used for things such as appointing people of high positions in the military, government, and judicial court.
Throughout history, when citizens have been deprived of their basic primitive materials to support life, they have looked for someone who would be able to guide them to a more beneficial way of life. With a Totalitarian leader such as Hitler, Lenin or Supreme Leader Khamenei, the people naturally respond with hope and promise.